Biovac Nepal Private Limited is a vaccine research, development and manufacturing company based in Nepal. It uses the latest technologies to understand disease burden, dynamics, evaluate novel vaccine targets, and manufacture vaccines that have high efficacy and are cost effective. It specializes in field based disease surveillance, molecular diagnostic and genomics based disease detection and vaccine target evaluation, stabilization and manufacturing. It partners with world’s leading institutions on vaccine research and development, including Newcastle I-2 vaccine developer- the University of Queensland.

Diagnostic Services with portable field-base detection devices
BIOVAC Nepal is putting together portable devices, Biomeme Thermocycler and Nanopore MinION, that can detect and characterize pathogens respectively within the site of inspection. This eliminates the need for samples to be transported over long distances for tests allowing more time for intervention and mitigation of diseases.
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Vaccine research, development and production
Newcastle disease is a major constraint to indigenous chicken productivity in Nepal and often causes 80-100% mortality in unvaccinated flocks. Outbreaks of Newcastle disease (ND) are unpredictable in many parts of the country and often discourage farmers from investing in the management and welfare of rural chicken.
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landscape disease study with geo-informatics system (GIS)
Infectious Disease Dynamics and Landscape Epidemiology Research needed for the front end of vaccine development, including disease burden analysis on landscape-level using GIS and modeling.
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pathogen detection characterization using next generation sequencing
The poultry industry is mostly challenged due to the impact of pathogens hampering the business. Early detection and intervention are crucial to avoid any severe economic impact as an outbreak is usually followed by embargoes and trade restrictions in affected areas.
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